Thursday 20 March 2008


Vishwa Kalyan

(For Welfare of the Universe)

Monthly news letter of

Lokakshema International Mission Trust”®

Serve Humanity Save Universe


Office A-73, INDERPURI, NEWDELHI-110012 (011-25836229


(For free distribution amongst members)

Vol vi New Year Special April 2008

Om Parashakti Namo Namaha

Sarvesham Swasthir Bhavathu Sarvesham Shanthir Bhavathu

Sarvesham Poornam Bhavathu Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavathu

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu

Best wishes for a happy and prosperous Ugadi, Vikrami Samvat, Vishu, and Sarvadhari New Year 2008 to all our readers


Shri Gurubhyo namaha,

Dear brothers and sisters, you have been reading my experiences with Shri Guruji PS Varadarajan and about his journey to the spiritual world and obtaining of various sidhis. He has been instrumental in solving problems of lakhs of people but , I am sad to say that they have not come forward to share their experiences with all of us. Many have benefitted financially, politically, socially and other wise. As I am very close to him he confides a lot to me which cannot be made public for it may hurt feelings of others, which I donot intend to do nor would Guruji approve the same. Some of the people even had treated him like thier exclusive property using Shri Guruji’s powers for their own benefit and when Guruji went on his mission of Lokakshema “ Welfare of the Universe” they felt annoyed and cannot hide their frustrations. I am really sorry to share all these with you as I do not intend to hurt any one’s feeling but my only request to all is that Shri Guruji is God’s gift to us, who has been sent to this world for our benefit and let us not be selfish and help him in all the ways we can i.e physically, mentally, financially, or simply offer our prayers for his good health.

I again tender my apologies to all those people who feel that I have committed something wrong by making Guruji easily accessible to all and request all of you to please send feedback of your experiences , if you have derived benefit by approaching him. I had received phone calls from few but that is not enough send your mails and please express your gratitude and share with others in Lokakshema family.

Ok lets continue the journey

In the previous issue you read about Guruji’s trip to Kamakhya Shakti Peeth, near Guwahati, Assam. On his arrival at Kolkatta Airport from Chennai he was given a warm welcome and his disciples in Kolkata were with him for two days, where he listened to their problems and did the needful. On 4th he arrived in Guwahati and was escorted to the Devi Kamakhya temple where arrangements for his stay and puja, etc were made. On 5th morning Shri Narasimhan joined from Delhi to assist Guruji on his special mission by taking care of his personal needs. We are really thankful to Shri Narasimhan for offering his services to assist Guruji. As in ancient days Shri Narasimhan is doing a tremendous job as a real shishya , cooking food, washing cloth and doing all the work which are needed for basic comfort of a person. God bless Shri Narasimhan and his family all the comforts in his life and bless him with name, fame and prosperity.

The daily homam (havan) performed by Shri Guruji is going on very successfully and as per the messages conveyed by Guruji from Kamakhya , Goddess Parashakti and all the celestial forces have decended at the place of the Homam to bless Guruji with various super natural powers and till now more than 30 new sidhis and many more are to come. Various divine forces join his daily homam in large numbers for achieving the sole mission of lokakshema . During the evening and night Guruji continues to chant and pray for all of us and for the people who contact him through me or other devotees. Let’s pray goddess Parashakti to bestow him more powers and good health so that he guides all of us out of all difficulties. During one such homam there were about 11 lakh sages and saints in sukshma rupa (invisible form) to increase the powers of chanting and prayers. Incidentally, I too experienced a similar experience last week while chanting daily prayers of Lord Aiyappa ( I am visiting Sabarimala for Chaitra Vishu) I experienced that one old rishi was sitting along with me and was blessing me. I could not recognise him and could not talk to him. Next day I asked about this experience to Guruji and he explained that a saint (sidha Purusha) had visited me to elevate me to the next level and if I continued the work of service to humanity with purity in heart I would recive many more such experiences and would be blessed by sidhis to serve the humanity. I was totally engrossed with these thoughts and slowly I realised that Guruji was elevating me to the next level in the spiritual world where with his greace Sidha Purusha were visiting me to bless me with special powers(??????). I called up Guruji and thanked him for all his blessings and grace and i could not control my emotions for here was a person who has bestowed me so much without even asking for anything, everlasting kindness of this noble soul who loves all of us as his own children and grants us boons. Guruji asked me to be more careful and continue the japam and the other work he has entrusted to me by him.

I have to mention here about Shri. S.K. Murthy the great soul who recently completed on lakh laksharchana to Goddess Lalithambika and has attained the level of Bhrahma Rishi. Shri Murthy ji is also advisor on religious matters of Lokakakshema Matters and has been instrumental in organising Guruji’s functions in Delhi during last decade. Recently, Smt. Rajalakshmi Ammal (Ambal Mami)of Punnai nallur confered him the tiltle of “Guruji”. So it is requested that all Trust members may please address him as ‘guruji” and not by his name.

Shri Guruji (PSV) or Guruji Maharaj as we may call him from now to differentiate between the two Gurujis still is doing his japam, puja and homam at Kamakhya Peeth . It is requested that people may not disturb Guruji maharaj for general matters so that he may continue his spiritual journey in peace. There is no restrictions for emergency matters. You may also approach me or any othe representatives of the Trust if you have any problems which have to be attended immediately and for special puja at Tarapeeth, near Kolkatta.

We are thankful to shri S Shridharan, MD, High Energy Ltd., Mathur, Tamil Nadu for his contribution of Rs 5000 towards laksharchana to lord Shiva, may god fulfill all his desires and bestow his choicest blessings on Shri Sridharan’s family.

Shri Gurubhyo namaha ------conrd

Some collections related to Kanchi Mahaswami’s Greatness

1-You Want to Know the Greatness of mantra siddhi?"

Author: Sri Ramani Anna (in Tamil)

Source: Sakthi Vikatan issue dated Oct 6, 2006

Once a brahmachary (bachelor) youth came to have darshan of Kanchi

Mahaswami (HH Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati). He prostrated before the

sage and got up.

Swamiji looked at him keenly and said, "Are you not Kulitalai Sankaran? You

are fine?"

"With your blessings, yes, Periyavaa", said Sankaran.

"Alright, what is your age now?"

"Thirty, Periyavaa."

Periyavaa laughed: "So you have decided to lead your life as a brahmachari,

without any idea of marriage."

"Yes, Periyavaa", said Sankaran.

"Alright, anything special about your coming here now?" Periyavaa laughed.

"And you wouldn't come without a reason!"

"Yes, Periyavaa. I have come to get a doubt cleared."

"Is it so? Come on, tell me" said Periyavaa. "What is that big doubt you


"It is a doubt about mantra japam, Periyavaa", replied Sankaran.

Periyavaa asked quickly: "If it is about mantra japam... Are you doing any

mantra japam?"

"Yes, Periyavaa".

"Oho... You have had an upadesam?"

"Yes, Periyavaa".

"Whoever is that Guru?"

"Mysore Yajna Narayana Ganapadigal", said Sankaran.

"Good, very learned; whatever the mantra?"

Before Sankaran could open his mouth, Swamiji said, "Wait, wait. You should

not tell me the mantra. That should remain with you as a secret. Just tell me

which devata (God) it is about."

"Hanumat upAsanA paramAna mUla mantra, Periyavaa" said Sankaran.

"Alright. What is it that you want to get clarified in this mantra japam?"

"It is like this, Periyavaa. I am performing this mantra japam since my

twenty-third year which was when I got the upadesam. I am doing it for the

last seven years, still I don't know anything."

"What do you mean by saying 'I don't know anything'?", asked Swamiji with


"What I mean, Periyavaa, is that I am not able to find out if I have got the

siddhi of that mantra" replied Sankaran, his voice echoing his sadness.

Swamiji said without hesitation: "What are you going to do by knowing it?

Anyway, are you doing the japam for AtmArtam (to know the self) or

kAmyArtam (for a specific purpose)?"

Sankaran said: "I am doing it only for AtmArtam, Periyavaa. Still, I am at a

loss to understand if I have got the mantra siddhi and the grace of the

devata. I pray to you to kindly tell me about my progress". As Sankaran said

this with all humility, tears started rolling down his eyes.

"Only the person who does the japam can understand if he has got the mantra

siddhi, by personal experience. There will be a time when the person will

experience it, Sankara," said Swamiji with vAtsalyam (affection).

Sankaran wasn't satisfied. "No, Periyavaa. I haven't had any personal

experience so far. And I don't understand anything about it, though I

continue to do the japam, as advised by my Guru, for the last seven years.

Sometimes my mind becomes very tired, Periyavaa. You should kindly inform

me about any way that I can know it." As he spoke this, Sankaran joined his

palms in reverence and prostrated before Swamiji.

Acharyal (Swamiji) was quiet for sometime. He understood Sankaran's

confusion. He decided to make the disciple understand what he wanted to

know. He asked Sankaran to squat on the floor near him and began talking:

"Many years back, in Sringeri Sri Sarada Peetam, a mahaan named Nrusimha

Bharati Swamiji was the peetathipathi (pontiff). One day, a sishya (student)

of the matam (hermitage) belonging to that region came to have a darshan of

the Swamiji. He did not come for nothing. He bore the same question that you

asked me now.

"After prostrating, he presented the guava fruits to Swamiji.

"'Come, you are fine? Tell me what you want', said Swami Nrusimha Bharati

with utmost kindness. The sishya told him politely, 'Swami, I am doing japam

of a mantra that was given to me by an upadesam. I am doing the japam for

many years now. Still I am not able to know if I have got the mantra siddhi.

How do I know it Swami?'

"Swamiji said at once, in a bid to persuade him, 'You continue to do the japam

in an AtmArta way. That devata itself will bless you with the siddhi phala

(fruits of the efforts) eventually.'

"The sishya was not satisfied with this reply from the Swamiji. He persisted,

'No, Swami. I need to know if I have got the siddhi of the mantra. You must

tell me a way to know it, I pray to you.'

"Swamiji understood the sishya's mental state. He called him near and said

enthusiasticaly, 'Don't worry, my child. There is a way!"

"'Is there a way, then kindly bless me with the knowledge, Swami!' The sishya

was in a hurry of excitement.

"Nrusimha Bharati Swamiji said laughingly, 'Every day, before you start your

japam, spread paddy grains on a wooden seat, and cover it with a vastram

(cloth). Sit over the grains and do the japam. Continue in this fashion day

after day. On that day when the paddy grains on the seat fry and blossom

into flattened rice, you will understand that you have got the mantra siddhi

you have been seeking to know. You understand this?'

"Even though the sishya understood it, he thought confusedly that if the

Swamiji was telling him this way just to satisfy him or if this would really be

possible. Suddenly he asked an unexpected question to the Swamiji.

"'Gurunathar should excuse me. I pray this to you with an intention to know. I

should not be mistaken for testing a sage in the guru stAnam (the position of

a guru). Spreading the paddy grains, covering them with a cloth... and they

will fry...'

"Before he could finish it, Swamiji laughed and said, 'You want to know if I

have had any such experience, right?' He asked for a wooden seat to be

brought then and there and placed facing the direction of east. He asked for

a lot of paddy grains to be spread over the seat. When this was done,

Swamiji placed his vastram (cloth) over the grains, seated himself in

padmaasana and closed his eyes. By this time a large crowd had gathered in

the place.

"Only a few seconds later, there was a continuous noise of the paddy grains

getting fried and flattened. There was a little amount of smoke also. Swamiji

got up and removed his vastram (cloth) that covered the grains. On the seat

were dazzling white flowers of fried and flattened rice! The crowd was


"Nrusimha Bharati Swamiji looked at the sishya who asked the question. The

sishya was standing sobbing. No one could speak anything more..."

As Kanchi Swamiji finished his narration of this episode, Sankaran was

standing amazed, with tears in his eyes.

When he started to say something soon after, Swamiji interruped him and

said, "What Sankara, are you going to ask me to demonstrate to you?" and

laughed heartily.

Sankaran fell at Swamiji's feet, his eight limbs touching the floor, and said,

"Enough Periyavaa! You have made me understand the mahima (greatness) of

mantra siddhi. Kindly bless me, and permit me to return to my place."

Some of the members of our Trust were enquiring me about doing annadhanam and how it is to be done?

I will tell you about a scheme which was launched by kanchi Paramacharya in 1973. Here everyday you had to keep one handful of rice or atta or any cereal you normally use for daily cooking in a separate container (in raw form) and similarly one rupee in a kiddy bank/hundi. This could be distributed every month through a temple or a public place to needy people. We now propose to revive this scheme the members may keep their collections at their residence and inform the trust representatives when a sizable quantity is collected. We would arrange for the collection. The rice/atta so collected would be cooked at one common place and would be distributed in orphanages, slum colonies, etc. For details please contact your nearest representative of the Trust.

You may keep one roti/chapathi or handful of cooked rice for Crows, birds, Cows, etc daily from the food you prepare daily this would bring prosperity to your house.

You may send in your queries to

We received enquiries for providing assistance for marriage expenses on a girl, educated upto graduation level by poor parents who both are physically challenged ( Deaf and dumb). As you are all aware that the Trust has been formed only recently and we are not in a position to provide assistance to the needy family immediately. However, we welcome your valuable suggestions.

The following feature is contributed by Shri Dhanesh Narayanan who is a student of Indian History and doing research on Heritage of India and here is some excerpts of his mails which he replies to various queries about vedas and other subjects. Readers would remember his brilliant article on the myth about Aryan invasion in the previous issue. The views expresed ny him are his personal - EDITOR

Hi Brother,

In India the word caste is a new word, We were not having any caste system in Hindu.The word Arya is a well known word before thousands of years and it does not mean upper caste. The meaning of ARYA IS GLORIOUS PEOPLE OR GREAT PEOPLE. The words Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vysya and Sutra do not mean caste. These are not attained by birth. These are attained by their Karmas. And also we cannot say which is great and which is bad. If you are doing your work sincerely and efficiently you are great or you are an Aryan.Brahmanyam is achievable. Now also it is achievable. And everyone have freedom to select their on way. In the last mail also I have given a lot of example for that like Vedavyasan, Dronacharya, Mata Amritanandamayi etc...

But in between that ie. after AD 1000 that system deviated to caste system. But Hinduism (Sanathana Dharma) remains as same.After AD 800 some peoples considered Brahmanyam as a caste(achieved by birth).Before that years there were no Nambootiris no Nairs nothing. They made some rules in the basis of money and land. And they put the Braghmins in the top most level and they rearranged the system without the base of any Hindu Holly books. And that was the period of Muslim and Christian invasion. That improved the caste system. In that years the foreign invaders destroyed our Great heritage like anything and they converted the Hindus to Muslims and Christian forcely. That didn’t allow the society to arise the rishies like Snkaracharya, Vivekananda, Srinarayana Guru, Aravindan etc. to make us aware about our great heritage and Hindu Dharma. Now we are realizing the truth that we all are Hindus and there is no restriction for KARMA among us. Any one can learn Vedas and all the Holly scriptures, and they are free to select their KARMA MANDALAM.

In all the Temples only Brahmins are allowed to do the Pooja. But remind anyone can attain Brahmanyam. Don’t think it is easy, It is very hard to attain that even for a Nambootiri also. I am not trying to say at present all poojarees are Brahmins. But they are Brahmins or born in such a caste. The process of reinstatement of our heritage is not over. But now the peoples accepted that our heritage is good and that to be rehabitated.

Aswathama is the son of Dronacharya. I think you meaned the story of Ekalavya.

Mahabharatham is not a myth, It is our history. It is giving you the actual story not a fantasy. Don’t connect that story to the arya dravida myth. Drona has done a big perpetration to Ekalavya because of his affection to Arjuna. That is a deviation of Our Guru Shishya relation. Remind in Bharatha war he was in the side of Adharma.

Here we didn’t keep knowledge with a person or a family. We developed great universities like Nalanda and Thakshashila… But remind foreign invaders destroyed that.At that time peoples from various places came to India for learn. India was the source of all knowledge. We lost that scientific strength because of Muslim and Christian invaders. They destroyed our culture and our economic strength.

In Jews the case is different levy tribe is some peoples and their generations, there is no option to add an another person to that group. That is independent of his nature.

Hinduism is not based on a single book or a single person like Pope. It is growing and accepting all the good changes. Except Vedas editing is possible. In Vedas itself it is not telling you to follow it without any question. You can ask questions scientifically. You will get answers for that

It is the unique feature of Hindu that it is having a strong scientific base.

Please don’t under estimate our country; because the Europeans achieved their richness from many decades of freedom, we have just completed a half-century after independence. Before also our country was rich but at that time the bloody Europeans using our money for their wealth in Europe and a small part in India. They destroyed our culture. After 1947 Indians started ruling India. But remind how the minds of the great Indians changed from our heritage. I will give you an example just see the words of our First Prime minister Nehru “I don’t know whether India has got any scientific heritage I know we have got some religion and philosophy nothing more than that.” You see How they destroyed our heritage from their mind.

After 1300 years of Muslim and Christian invasions, Now Hindu is realizing their heritage and now they are getting the result for that. You can see some good trends in our finance. No other country couldn’t make a change like this. You remind one thing we got economic freedom in 1991 only. No doubt now we are growing and we are getting aware about our great heritage. Not only Indians; peoples from all over the world looking to India. You just see the number of peoples coming to see Mata Amritanandamayi for her birthday it is higher than the number of peoples going to see Pope. That showing the greatness of our culture.

Please don’t think that Hindu is different from you. Hindu is not a religion but a way of life. Hindus are the peoples who is considering Hindustanam as their motherland and Holly land.

Definition of a Hindu

============ ==

Aa sindho: sinduparyantham

yasya bhaaratha bhoomikaa

maathru bhoo: pithru bhoo (punya)

schaiva sa vai Hindu iti smruthaa:

Whomsoever, is considering the land between the sapta sindu (Indus Valley River) up to Indian Ocean as the motherland, fatherland and holy land, is known as Hindu.

Hindustanam which is defined as follows

============ ========= ======

Himaalayam samaarabhya

yaavath hindu sarovaram

tham deva nirmitham desam

hindustaanam prachakshate.

The land created by god himself; lying between Himalayas and Indian Ocean is known as Hindustanam.

The word Aryan is using to show the greateness of the people in any Karma Mandalam. They originated in India.

In the Arya invasion theory they are telling that Aryans came from out of India. But we know we can see the Aryans in Our Vedas and we cannot see the word Dravida in any of our Vedas or Upanishad or puranas. It is a fabricated story.

Sorry to say my dear brother your views about Arya are absolutely wrong.

Be an Indian Be aware about India Be proud of being an Indian…..

We do not know many things. We do not know that we do not know. We do not know what all the things we should know. We do not know we should know. We do not know what all the things we need not know. We are ignorant about many things! We do not know we are ignorant. When Mahatma Gandhi was asked the question why people call you Mahatma. He replied immediately “they call me so because I know about my ignorance and limitations”

binoy george wrote:

hi Brother I appreciate ur knowledge abt Vedas, in this feild I am no expert like u , still I have some doubts, I think u r able to clear me, u r telling there is no caste system system ???

then why only Brahmins r allowed to conduct poojas? in kerala also I know there r more than 99 % poojaris r Brahmins, even few nonBrahmins r poojaris ,common people don't like to call them to conduct poojas, they need poojaris from Brahman caste , u know how zemindari started in India , how the whole land went to upper caste people, if u r conducting a survey in India u can come to know that most of the landlords r uppercast people only? how it happened? uppercaste people were normaly no doing any hardwork, I am talking abt old days, there was unholy relation between rulers, priests,and the so called uppercaste (Arya) people , they made so many stories , sustories , and tell people to beleive this stories, by using this stories they gradualy conquer total land , they were not allowed ordinary people to get education, for maintain arya supremacy they made caste system, they told Brahmins came from head of Brahmam, kshatriya from breast area of Brahmam, vysya from middle area and sudra from legs , so vedas r allowed to study by Brahmis only, they told in Kerala, local people that Parasuram give all land to Brahmins , by using this false story , they . aryans captured total land from local people , this type of things happened throghout India , but after land reforms , in Kerala , we r able to capture land from aryans, but rest of India still , land is with aryans, we can see better eg of Ashwathama, he is not allowed to study , because he is local means lower cast , even though he studied by himself , upper cast not allowed him to win, they cut his finger, I know our motherland is great , the caste system destroyed our country, we have ayurveda, we have so many good traditions, but in our coutry we r not ready to share our knowledge with others , thatswhy we didn't become superpower , carpenter share his knoewledge with his family or cast, same case with brahmins and all caste , knowledge is concentrated with few people, how Europe developed, they r ready to share their knowledge with total world, they also developed , otheres also chance to study this knowlege and get development, but what happened to India , by this cruel four caste system we r trying to suppress each other, thatswhy we r not not developing, u r telling there is no caste system in India , I think u , born and brought up outside India , thatswhy u r telling like that , four caste system is a reality in India, I beleive origianal people in India r adivasis and dravidians if u conducting a suvey in adivasi areas u can see there is no caste system among them, so my question is if there is no caste system among adivasis , from where this caste system came???if there is no arya invasion who created this four caste system??? local people themselves made ???it is very difficult to beleive , it is an outside invaders idea for maintaining their supremacy , i am calling this outside invaders as aryans, they may be from middle east , as i told u before in Jew (israli people , only levy tribe has the right to conduct poojas, in India Brahmins says the same thing, how the similarity came???

(i"DHANESH .U.K" wrote:

Dear Brother,

here I am trying to send a detailed reply of your mail.Your mail I divided it into two and I written in between Question marks. I hope It will clear your doubts.

Ram is just an Aryan king , Raven a Dravidian king, Ram is attacking Ravan's sister, cheating Bali, but look at Raven , he is safely keeping Sita with ladies servants, giving respect to ladies, their religious customs, that is the goodness of Dravidians, Ram is leaving Sita in Jungle , can u behave with ur wife like this? this is just story for glorifying Aryans and degrading Dravidians???????????

In the last mail itself I clearly said that in india there are no DRAVIDANS it is a myth created by British historians for their convenience. They are telling that Aryan invasion occurred in 1500 BC Our VEDAS are Older than that.In Rigveda (Older than 3000 BC) we can see the word ARYA and from any books written before AD 1500 we cannot find the word DRAVIDA.

Raman and Raven are Aryans only. From Ramayanam itself we can find out the proof, In Valmeeki ramayanam Sita (wife of RAMA) and Mandodari (Wife of RAVANA) calling their husbands as Aryadeva and Aryaputhra.

Who were/ are the Aryans?

The word Aryan does not mean any race or a group of people. It only means the scholarly people. You know arya vaidya sala, aryaavartham, aryavepu, aryaputra all meant for ‘scholarly’ meaning. During the last days of Maxmuller , he too commented strongly that, Aryan word has got nothing to do with a race.

Where can we see the use of this word in Vedas?

In Vedas there are a number of places where the Arya word is used as “krunvantho viswam aryam = let us make the world a glorious one. Srunvanthu viswe amruthasya putraa aaye dhamaani divyaani thasthu = the children of immortals, Let us come together and chant the great songs. Here too the message is Arya. Every wife , in olden days, use to call her husband of royal

family as aryaputra.

Shurpaneka was a widow, but was ambitious and powerful because of protection assured by her brother, She approached Ram with a lady-in-love like gestures.Ram Rejected the request, after that Shurpankha went to Laxman with similar request to accept her as his bride. He also rejected the request. At last her patience gave way and she came to her original form and threatened to kill sita. At this folly of hers, Laxman was irritated and as a result cut her nose and ears with the arrow. THERE IS NO WRONG THING IN THAT, HE DONE IT FOR SAVING SITA.

Bali was the king of Kishkinda, I believe you know the story of Bali and Sugreeva.I will directely come to the point. Bali was very strong and cruel. He raped Sugreeva’s wife and forced her to stay there as one of his wife. And also he was a having an experience of winning a fight with Ravana.

Ram didn’t ask his help because of his bad personality, and he decided to help Sugreva because of his honesty. He killed Bali and saved Kishkinda and Sugreeva.

A mighty king should not have thus kidnapped a noble queen, already married to someone else. Moreover, despite threats, Sita was firm not to marry Ravan. And if at all Ravan forced any such move, Sita could and would immolate herself in selfcreated FIRE OF PURITY. This fire of purity would never allow Ravan even to come near Sita or touch her. And also Ravana cannot touch a lady without her permission because of a curse got from a SANYASINI Thus, all attempts of Ravan to convince Sita for marriage were futile. In addition to the opposition from Vibhishan, Mandodari, Sita at that time was kept under the care of lady servants at gardens of Ashokvan.

It shows the badness of Ravan only.

After 14 years banishment of Ram to the forest. Ram was given his due honour as King of Ayodhya. Formal sacrificial ceremony was performed with gaiety and pomp. Ram ruled wisely. Food and shelter, water and fodder, everything was aplenty. Art and literature, craft and business prospered. Justice and peace prevailed every where. In fact justice was never denied or delayed because there was no crime!!! Everyone, including animals and trees, were happy and contented.

One washerman and his wife doubted the purity of Sita because she had stayed as a prisoner of Ravan! In the Royal Court, they declared:

"O Noble king, as a perfect master you should always lead the most ideal life, above any reproach. There should not be darkness under the lamp! Our culture and tradition does not allow infidel woman to stay with her husband. She must be deserted or banished. Sita has stayed in the custody of Ravan as a prisoner."

" What proof she has to prove her innocence and purity! Who will believe her? It will be better if you leave her. It will be in conformity with the noble tradition of Raghu Dynasty, as well as a just gesture on your part as the king of Ayodhya." Ram and the whole court was stunned to listen to these inauspicious words of the washerman. But who can hold the tongue of the masses! Who can shut the mouth that speaketh thus! Ram tried to put an end to this useless allegation by informing the court and the assembly about the Fire Test that Sita has already gone through (passed) successfully. But this did not convince everyone. An occasional voice of protest was still heard in the court. Then Ram offered that Sita would take another Fire Test to prove her innocence and purity. To this Sita herself took objection. She said, "O my lord, there will always be some one who cannot be satisfied by any 'test' or any proof. Their convictions are hard-pressed in their psyche and no amount of genuine proof will convince them about the truth, for they do not want to get convinced. They are born to raise doubts about the Truth itself." "Today this washerman has stood to cast aspersions on my character, tomorrow someone else is sure to follow the suit. He would want fresh proof. Then should I continue to pass the test every day? O noble lord, I appeal to you to make your own judgment and act accordingly. " Ram passed many sleepless nights. Sita was carrying his two sons in her womb. She was innocent, Ram knew and believed. But as a righteous king, as the caretaker of all, not only in matters of food and shelter, but also regarding their emotions and conventions, he was accountable. Ultimately, Ram decided to desert Sita, the Purity personified! !!

That is because of being a KING OF RAMARAJYA. A good politician may not be able to lead a good family life.

This difficult duty fell on the shoulders of Laxman. Only 'Sanyasin' Laxman would be able to control his emotions at the harsh moment of leaving Sita. A chariot was arranged one day which took Sita and Laxman to far off forest Ashram of Sage Valmiki. The Rishi was already briefed about Ram's decision. The sage was pleased to receive Sita and promised every care for her health. Sita gave birth to two lovely sons: LAV and KUSH. [Later his two sons were accepted by Ram, and were handed over the reigns of Ayodhya.]

???????actualy this Brahmin's ancestor are Jews(Israel people) only, In Jews there r 12 tribes , out if this only Levi tribe has the right to do priest works, Brahmins also claim the same thing,

In regveda there r so many animals sacrifice written, Jews came to india so many times before and after Jesus, after settling in india also they have done sacrifice here also , but later by the strong influence of Budha and Jain religion they r forced to stop sacrifice, Jews r thinking themselves high, they think otheres low grade people, after years passed some of them statred marrying with otheres , caste system started, after years passed they forget God also, initialy they r calling God of Abraham- like para-abraham, gradualy it becom para brahma. now Isreal after rebirth in 1948 they r looking for old Levi tribe for conducting prayer in their future Jerusalem temple, Isreal also don't know this Brahmins r Levi group, because , there was so many centureies , there was not a single jew in Israel, spread throghout the world, forgot their roots,traditions???????

Here also you are mistaken In India there was no religion called Brahmin, Kshatriya, Shudra or Vysya.

This type of relegion system evolved after AD750 only.

Brahmin was not a relegion It was attained by knowledge. In that days everyone could grow upto Brahmin and they could go down also.I will give you some examples

1.Vedavyasan born as a fisherman(His mother was the the daughter of a fisher man) and he attained the position of Brahmin.

2.Dronacharyan born as a Brahmin and he go down and worked as a Kshatriya.

Valmiki was born as robber in forest,

3.Aitheraya who has written fantastic Upanishads and Brahmanical books was from Chandala family, Swamy Vivekananda, Swamy Aurobindo, Swamy Chinamayanda, Sri Satya Sai Baba, Matha Amruthananda Mayee Devi and Many others are not born in Brahmin family. Even Sri Rama was a Kshatriya and Sri Krishna is from Yadava and majority of the Rishies who wrote Veda manthra are from the Kshatriya (Viswamitra) Kula. It is not a must that one should become a Brahmin birth to attain a scholarly position.

Dear brother your views about Our Vedas also absolutely wrong.

In rigveda there are no animals sacrifice written for your knowledge I will give you some details about Vedas

When was these Vedas written ?

Vedas are called anaadi . Hence one cannot give a correct date. Based on the

astronomical lines given in Rig Veda and some of the Brahmanas, it is

assumed that the last part of Rig Veda might have got composed in the present

style during BC 4275 or so. The last part is of later origin and the first part can

be of very earlier. So one can presume that Veda mantras were composed

many thousand years ago ? Some say it is 20,000 years! Few have the opinion

50,000 years and some are of the opinions that it is only few thousand years !

How the Hindu acharas differ from those of other religion ?

Majority of the Hindu acharas are not part of Vedas. They are separately

compiled in dharma sastras. Each achara is formulated in such a way that

science and spirituality integrate in it. The merits of the science and that of the

value based scientific spirituality are integrated for personal/ family/social and

national progress.

What the Vedas tell about the ultimate truth ?

Vedas also give the same message that the divine power is one and only one

(dyaavaa pruthvi janayan deva eka)…advitheeyam… .advayam, advaitham,.. not

having more than one ekameva advitheeyam….this is the message of Vedas.

But the puranas give so many names and there are so many gods why ?

The puranas also tell us the same (eka eva hi bhoothaathma bhoothe bhoothe

vyavasthithaa ekadaa bahudaa chaiva drusyathe jala chandravath) the one and

the only one divine power is manifested in every living and non living beings .

The manifestation can be observed as the only one and some people explain it

as many. But it is like the only one moon is reflecting in different waters. The

stories convey you the message of world through the names of god. Saraswathy

is embodiment of knowledge, the prosperity is symbolically presented as Lakshmi and the strength or force is symbolically presented as Parvathy and so on. Through stories you are told to analyze the power of prosperity, knowledge or strength.

Our vedas are telling to worship all animals and it is telling about the unique power of GOD.

Not to kill animals.

Para-Brahmam is not a single word so many relative words are there.This word is originated from the word Brahmam (Universe).In Vedas ie, before Judas itself We were using the word Para-Brahma. The word Abraham might be from This word Brahmam.

Is that the one which is pervading all the universe?

Yes it is the same. It is what is ‘filled’ in the universe : sarvam khalu idam

brahma = everything present here is that brahmam and nothing else.

Are thos things which we see also come under this Brahmam ?

Yes definitely. What is really existing is the brahmam and all other beings are

temporary and only the manipulation and manifestation of Brahmam. So it is

said brahma satyam jagat mithya. The essence/truth/ fact of the universe is

Brahmam and what we see is only temporary and exist only for a short period.

Can we relate Brahmam and energy , because Indians worship energy ?

It can definitely be defined and explained as energy . Brahmam is nothing but

the Energy+ awareness + consciousness. As per Einstein’s equation every

matter can be finally brought into energy according to the equation E = MC2 . So

we said Brahmam is satyam which means the truth, essence and fact. So infact

every material can be reduced to energy by the above equation. That

energy is single unit.

What are the other explanations connected with brahmam ?

Brahmaandam is the consolidated form of energy presented/ imagined like a

‘universal egg’ Brahma vaivartham is the manifestation and manipulation of this

energy. It is said that the energy which continuously undergoes changes and it

manipulates and manifests in different forms and hence vaivartham i.e.

changing . Brahma vaivartham, is the change e ( manifestation and manipulation)

form of energy

What about Lord Brahma ?

Lord Brahma is the concept which is responsible for creating the materials in its form and shape using the energy and matter from the universe. Hence, he is symbolically named as Brahma. He has four heads because four dimensions are symbolically thus represented (as mentioned earlier), x, y, z, and time axes. For any creation the four axes are essential according to modern mathematics of dimensions.

What is the Brahmaananda ?

Brahmaananda is the happiness derived when we know that the universe is the manifestation of this divine power. And we feel that everything existing in the universe is nothing but the brahmam itself. We can get the real feeling what we are. We can understand our limitations and capabilitites.

What is. Brahma saakshaath kaaram?

Brahmasaakshaathkaaram is the realization that the only truth /fact / essence of everything is nothing but the Brahmam . This is the point where the science and spirituality meet. And the realization is known as brahma saakshaathkaaram. The yogi get this realization through internal saadana and the scientists get this understanding through external scientific experiments. or www.heritageindiane

"DHANESH .U.K" wrote:

Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 06:48:11 +0000 (GMT)

From: "DHANESH .U.K"

Subject: Re: abt arya invasion

To: prajapathi yagam

Hi Brother,

I am fine.... How r u???

They are telling that Aryans are coming from the middle east before 3000 years.. BUT BEFORE 5000 years BHAGAVATGEETHA was here in that YOU CAN SEE THE WORD ARYA....

I Believe that there was no invasion.... Because in all of our Vedas and puranas we can see the word ARYAN.... and there you cannot find the word DRAVIDA....It is a myth. In BHAGAVATGITA (5000 Years old)Krishna is calling Arjuna as ARYA... and in Ramayana MANDODARY (Wife of RAVANA) is Calling RAVANA as ARYAPUTHRA.. .RAVANA is not a DRAVIDA KING. ARYA is not a religion or blood. In INDIA they used to call the GREATE INDIANS as ARYAS

In rigveda there r no animals sacrifice written...You cannot see anything like that in RIGVEDA (more than 8000 years old).. In INDIA JYNAs started the animal sacrifice... In Hidu PURANAS,VEDAS or in any other spiritual books YOU cannot see anything that supporting animal sacrifice." It is not a ACHARA IT IS AN ANACHARA"

and my dear brother please dont give your ears to the dirty politicians. ..

If you really want to know about BHARATHA HERITAGE go to the page or www.heritageindiane

Give me some time I will send you one detailed mail....

prajapathi yagam wrote:

hi brother hru ? I have gone throgh ur mail abt arya invasion a myth. I can't agree with ur view, there was invasion, Mr. Karunanidi invited Mr,Adwani for an open discussion abt Ramayan , but Adwani didn't answer, u just compare Ram and Ravan , Ram is just an aryan king , Ravan a Dravidian king, Ram is attacking Ravan's sister, cheating Bali, but look at Ravan , he is safely keeping Sita with ladies sevants, giving respect to ladies, their religious customs, that is the goodness of Dravidians,Ram is leaving Sita in Jungle , can u behave with ur wife like this? this is just story for glorifying aryans and degrading Dravidians,if u r interested in this subject i will give detailed reply, this aryans came from middle east, they r wiser than local people , they made stories , gardualy they conquered total India by cleverly using this stories, actualy this Brahmin's ancestor are Jews(Israel people) only, In Jews there r 12 tribes , out if this only Levi tribe has the right to do priest works, Brahmins also claim the same thing, In regveda there r so many animals sacrifice written, Jews came to india so many times before and after Jesus, after settling in india also they have done sacrifice here also , but later by the strong influence of Budha and Jain religion they r forced to stop sacrifice, Jews r thinking themselves high, they think otheres low grade people, after years passed some of them statred marrying with otheres , caste system started, after years passed they forget God also, initialy they r calling God of Abraham- like para-abraham, gradualy it becom para brahma. now Isreal after rebirth in 1948 they r looking for old Levi tribe for conducting prayer in their future Jerusalem temple, Isreal also don't know this Brahmins r Levi group, because , there was so many centureies , there was not a single jew in Israel, spread throghout the world, forgot their roots,traditions

Yors Dhanesh



It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:

Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, blood pressure, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat
diseases, etc

1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.

The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:

1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)

2. Gastric (10 days)

3. Diabetes (30 days)

4. Constipation (10 days)

5. Cancer (180 days)

6. TB (90 days)

7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily.

This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.

It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.

This makes sense. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal.
However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.

Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks:

Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting,

· Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

· You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.

· Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.

· 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.

· Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive...

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life per day all over the world. So serve humanity and save the world.-Editor

If you need any clarifications or have any queries pl. Send them You may also send similar public utility messages/information for Lokakshema

We are in the process of buiding up the Trust. As we aim for perfection it may take tme for us to reach and achieve certain goals, but we do not want to use any unfair means or methods to achieve our objectives. Moreover, the Lokakshema International MissionTrust has been established with the motto of serving Humanity without differentiating between caste, creed, colour, religion, status, etc. A Trust of the people, by the people and for the people. We are common people from middle class who have to struggle for their own bread but have the will to serve others and help in removing their sufferings. We appeal to each one of you to spread the message of universal brotherhood , caring for each other and making our lives beautiful. Together we may achieve the impossible. Once the world knows and realises our noble intentions, they too will come forward and join us. Each one of us has the potential of becoming a good leader, businessman, social worker, who would not only lead others to achieve their own goals but also remove their problems by helping them to find their own solutions. We may conduct personality development trainings, first aid and other classes for all who wish to participate.

Please express yourself and be more interactive . your suggestions/ views are like the light from the light house for the ships stranded at sea.

Hari krishnamurthy

We say that it is freedom that we are to seek, and that that freedom is God. It is the same happiness as in everything else; but when man seeks it in something which is finite, he gets only a spark of it. The thief when he steals gets the same happiness as the man who finds it in God; but the thief gets only a spark with a mass of misery. The real happiness is God. Love is God, freedom is God; and everything that is bondage is not God. Swami Vivekananda


An interview with Dr. S.R. Rao, the foremost marine archaeologist of India

"Ram Sethu is protecting South Tamil Nadu, it is important to save it"

This interview was taken by Col. S.S. Rajan, retired as Additional Chief Engineer in the Corps of Engineers of the Indian Army, along with G.P. Srinivasan, an ISO 14001 lead auditor for environmental management systems.

Dr S.R. Rao is the foremost marine archaeologist, who discovered the submerged city of Dwarka of Sri Krishna, off the coast of Kutch, in Gujarat, which is considered to be the greatest archaeological discovery in independent India.

Dr. S.R Rao had represented India for three terms, of three years each, to the UNESCO convention to protect underwater cultural heritage. India has the longest coastline of 7500 km with the richest underwater cultural and archaeological repository including perhaps one of the greatest find, an entire city submerged that he himself discovered off the coast of Kutch. According to Dr S.R. Rao, SSCP has violated all international norms and conventions for saving underwater cultural heritage, a mandatory for every maritime member to “list, preserve and protect all underwater cultural sites.” Excerpts:

How did you discover the city of Sri Krishna?

There was a modern building that was obstructing an ancient temple. It was then we decided to demolish the modern building. Underneath we found an ancient temple which led to subterranean steps that led to steps covered with mud. When we got them cleaned up, they led to passage that led to the seacoast and a port, which when probed led to the greatest discovery in the archaeological history—the discovery of submerged Dwarka city. On one side of the city was four kilometers long wall with a complete port and storage area, warehouse, and weighing stones that are completely intact for holding the ships from drifting away.

GP.Srinivasan interviewing Shri.S.R.Rao

Are there any international conventions to save underwater heritage?

I represented India and drafted the UNESCO charter in the convention for saving the underwater heritage. When I last checked, only six nations had signed the treaty. India as a responsible member of UNESCO must sign this convention as we have the richest reserves in marine archaeology and signing the convention will help get international funds allocated to “list, preserve and protect underwater cultural heritage”. As a responsible member of the United Nations India must sign the UNESCO charter for preservation of our underwater heritage and India should not shy away in this regard.

Can you explain the full details of the convention that you chaired?

Yes. I have the journal of marine archaeology volume 7 and 8 pages 66 and 68 published in 1988 which state among other things definition of underwater heritage, list them and describe ways and means to preserve and protect them. The rate of erosion by violent sea is so aggressive that when we excavated in Poompuhar we found brick walls of ancient city mentioned in Tamil literature.

What caused the destruction of the city?

Right from Ennore near Chennai if you travel down south, Mahabalipuram, Tarangambadi to Poompuhar, this belt has been historically known for violent seas, cyclones and sea erosion. We have experienced one of the most violent seas. A temple can be found taken away by the sea in Ennore, and another Shiva temple can be found submerged at Tarangambadi. The rate of erosion is not what it was even 8 to 10 years ago, it is very rapid. Off the coast of Poompuhar four km wide into the sea the entire city mentioned in Silapadigaram was located and also a long brick wall of the port mentioned in the Tamil classic. I myself have been diving for over 15 years in the underwater expeditions off the coast of Gujarat, Poompuhar and Mahabalipuram.

The Kannagi statue installed on the seacoast had to be shifted 10 meters by the government to save it from sea erosion some years ago. If this being the case it is Ram Sethu that is acting as natural barrier and now saving the southern Tamil Nadu from the violent sea. If this is damaged all hell will break loose. Poompuhar was a very important port and was very extensive of Sangam period but got submerged. What about Ramayana which was even earlier and several thousands of years older? It is absolutely certain that it is historical and of mythological importance. The sea in the western coast of India is not that violent but the eastern coast has been facing one of the most violent seas as we have encountered in our underwater expeditions. Hence this region contains the richest archaeological heritages of the world.

Some researchers say there are so many such sites—as much as 20,000 in the world—and what is the definition of a underwater site?

The definition of the underwater cultural heritage should cover objects of archaeological interest. It should also cover sites and landscapes which are of great importance for understanding of our history. If the site of the naval battle of Salam’s (BC 480) and a recent 100-year-old Titanic (sunken luxury liner) could be mentioned as landscape sites then the protection should not only be guided by archaeological and historical interest but also by the need to preserve information about a site even if nothing is recovered from it. The chairman of the international convention stressed on the need to protect sites of mythological significance to traditional communities as non-human heritage. Everything dating back from before the 20th century should be protected. It was also observed that there is no such thing as a time limit to archaeology.

About the committee formed, is it not the political abuse of history, an appointment of this committee of eminent persons?

The committee did not have any members from NIOT, which is the most competent to carry out the research, and has the equipment, technology and money and expertise and certainly not the ASI, which is ill-equipped for such mammoth mission.

TOR Steel Foundation, a Bangalore-based company, had come forward to construct coffer dams to save Dwarka from further submergence. They could also be involved in the committee formed.

What are the guiding principles for listing, preserving and protection?

Two basic principles: The indivisibility of cultural heritage and the significance of it for humanity.

Try to practice what you say and try to tell what you do.

Our words become valuable if and only if we practice the
messages we give. Name and fame should come by itself from the people. It cannot be grabbed. Try to become zero (down to earth) people will
make you hero. Simplicity and humility with a smiling face should
be with us always. Rest will come automatically.

Lighter moments of life


Over the weekend, I filled up my car's fuel tank, and I thought fuel has become really expensive after the recent price hike. But then I compared it with other common liquids and did some quick calculations, and I felt a little better. To know why, see the results below – you'll be surprised at how outrageous some other prices are!

Diesel (regular) in Mumbai : Rs.36.08 per litre

Petrol (speed) in Mumbai : Rs.52 per litre

Coca Cola 330 ml can : Rs.20 = Rs.61 per litre

Dettol antiseptic 100 ml Rs.20 = Rs.200 per litre

Radiator coolant 500 ml Rs.160 = Rs.320 per litre

Pantene conditioner 400 ml Rs.165 = Rs.413 per litre

Medicinal mouthwash like Listerine 100 ml Rs.45 = Rs. 450 per litre

Red Bull 150 ml can : Rs.75 = Rs.500 per litre

Corex cough syrup 100 ml Rs.57 = Rs. 570 per litre

Evian water 500 ml Rs. 330 = Rs. 660 per litre
Rs. 500 for a litre of WATER???!!! And the buyers don't even know the source (Evian spelled backwards is Naive.)

Kores whiteout 15 ml Rs. 15 = Rs. 1000 per litre

Cup of coffee at any decent business hotel 150 ml Rs. 175 = Rs. 1167 per litre

Old Spice after shave lotion 100 ml Rs. 175 = Rs. 1750 per litre

Pure almond oil 25 ml Rs. 68 = Rs. 2720 per litre

And this is the REAL KICKER...
HP DeskJet colour ink cartridge 21 ml Rs.1900 = Rs. 90476 per litre!!!

Now you know why computer printers are so cheap? So they have you hooked for the ink!

So, the next time you're at the pump, don't curse our honorable Petroleum minister – just be glad your car doesn't run on cough syrup, after shave, coffee, or God forbid, printer ink !

We have tried to be different from this issue. We welcome healthy discussions, queries, feedback and other articles to make this letter interactive and interesting- Editor







4.30--6.00 PM

3.00--4.30 PM

12.00--1.30 PM


7.30--9.OO AM

1.30--3.00 PM

10.30--12.00 NOON


3.00--4.30 PM

12.00--1.30 PM

9.00--10.30 AM


12.00--1.30 PM

10.30--12.00 NOON

7.30--9.00 AM


1.30--3.00 PM

9:00 - 10:30 A.M

6.00--7.30 AM


10.30--12.00 NOON

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9.00--10.30 AM

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Vratas and festivals in April 2008





Sankatahara Chathurthi






Vishu/Tamil new year






Sri Ramanavami






For Vaastu


Shuba Muhurtham Days 11,16,23,25

We are also planning to introduce free Horoscope exchange services Astrological Consultancy, Reiki, Pranic Healings and training classes, etc soon. Interested people who wish to offer their Services may please contact Lokakshema International Mission Trust by phone or by email

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